Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things.

Wednesday 10 April

Sorry these are so late. Sleep has been, for once in my goddamn life, my first priority as of late and it's weird and I need to try to adapt to it again.

So I woke up yesterday and was running late, and then I was oh, whatever, I'll just ride my bike to Physics. But NO. It was frozen to the freaking rack. F*ck you too, winter. So then I went from Smith to Duane in under seven minutes, which is basically a new land speed record. No big deal. Just, you know, shattering records and being a boss or whatever.

So then there was physics and that was okay, I guess. I paid attention today because I realized I really have to get my sh*t together if I'm going to pass this test next Thursday. After that, I went to politics and took notes on the Greeks and that was pretty interesting, though not much new. Then came chemistry and that's actually, literally, the only class that isn't giving me new levels of hell to tolerate, and that's why I love my major.

Then I grabbed lunch with Sam and we talked about high school drama and lab and fears for O-Chem and Friday night shenanigans as usual and it was fun. Then I walked to Muenzinger to grab Crissie for our WEDNESDAY STARBUCKS TRIP HELL YEAH! On the way there, we found a 20 written in footprints in the snow. And, because we're really mature Boulderites, we added a 4 to it:

Blaze it!
So that's us.

Then we went back to Hallett and I read a bit for Norlin and then I accompanied Crissie on her quest to see if a particular dorm on campus was ADA Approved. That particular dorm was Brackett Hall (spoiler alert: If you're handicapped, Brackett Hall is a sh*tty place to live).

And then we got distracted, as so usually happens when we go over to Brackett. We ended up spending three and a half hours over there, measuring things at first, and then talking with Graham about camping adventures* and watching YouTube (mostly Tobuscus and THEN a horrific thing which started out so innocently that I can't set down for posterity and then some cat videos to purge our souls and also Admiral Akbar's Trap Rap, which I am totally going to learn and sing all the time). 

THEN we tied up Crissie with a tape measure and then Kevin tied Crissie, Graham and I together and then Flock somehow got in there and we had a great deal of difficulty untangling the tape measure from our shenanigans. We ended up in Connor's room throwing a soccer ball at each other, and then out came the scented balls.

Now these balls function like a candle in most respects, except you don't need to light them on fire for their aroma to freshen up the room. They're a really cool polymer that expands in an aqueous environment (says the chem nerd) and they emit a fine aroma. They're also inextricably fascinating to people, and so the scented balls come out in almost all social situations.

And females: my friends are 1. the reason we can't have nice things*, and 2. why you shouldn't wear deep v-neck t-shirts. Because people end up trying to shoot baskets into your boobs with the tiny scented balls. And then you find them in like you hair, your bra, your shirt, and your clothes. So unless you want scented balls on your clothes, don't wear deep v's. That's all.

After that I went to Hallett and grabbed my bus pass, and then I grabbed a quick dinner with Matt, Zac, and Flock and that was pretty fun. We mostly talked about tater tots and volleyball, cause we're cool. :)

THEN I headed to the Cheesecake Factory with my HRAP Flock** and spent the night eating a dulce de leche cheesecake after creeping on Crissie and Johnny on their date haha. We talked about many things, and I really appreciate the Flock leaders for putting up with us haha.

After that I went back to Hallett to grab my homework that I left there, chatted with Crissie and Johnny for awhile, and finally dragged myself back to Smith, where I finished Fun Home and tried to tackle my Norlin homework. I had an extraordinarily difficult time with that, so then I gave up and went to sleep.

So anyway. Wednesday was fun. And once again, it brings you to realize that college is this incredibly dichotomy between academia and community, and they collide in a wonderful way and it's grand :) I was really never one for constantly hanging out with friends, but lately it's been really nice to know that even though I have no freaking clue what I'm doing, ever, about anything, it's nice to know that you still belong to something—that your leaf of grass is still connected to the rest of the world in a profound and fundamental way. And I really don't think I can possibly express my gratitude for that.

So I'm going to get back to doing some homework, and I'll see you tonight.

Thanks for reading :)

**not an actual person—it's a student group, which confuses the Brackett clan haha

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