Sunday, April 21, 2013

Apparently I'm Always Half Baked

Saturday 20 April

So I didn't post yesterday since I ended up passing out on my couch watching Dallas last night which was awesome and precisely like old times :)

Um yeah. I woke up yesterday at like 11 and read some of my Jefferson book, and that was good. Then I Facebooked and procrastinated and got ready to face the day by eating a Pop Tart. College life.

I didn't even TRY to go outside since I figured the smell of weed would permeate the very atmosphere. I also took the CollegeHumor quiz on "How High Are You?" and got Half-Baked, totally sober. Which I suppose supports Davis's theory that I sound like I'm perpetually high. Yay.

So then I watched Bates Motel and that was excellent, and then my mom picked me up, and then we went to the store and came home and made alfredo pizza (what's better than pasta OR pizza? BOTH OF THEM COMBINED AS ONE) and I ate half of it because I'm usually ridiculously hungry after my Friday adventures. Anyway.

THEN my dad and I went and got Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream because I'm cute and punny. Or something :)

Then I watched Big Bang Theory with my dad and determined the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide is totally implausible for Sheldon to use on Kripke. Anyway. Why nerds can't watch that show. Ever.

Then I watched Psych and I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT SHAWN AND JULES BROKE UP AND I JUST REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BECAUSE THEY ARE PERFECT TOGETHER. ARGH. Then I watched Dallas and that was fun and I just really hope the Ewings get out of this bind.

Aaaaand I really don't know what else to say, so I'll just copy and paste what I said last year on April 20, because I don't think I can top that.

Okay see you all later :)

"It still surprises me that people are genuinely shocked that 4-20 is the Columbine anniversary and Hitler's birthday. And that's why I am afraid for the future of the universe.

Maybe it's because I am a history geek and I think it all matters. But most people just see this beautiful and genuinely fascinating conglomeration of human events and people and think it's just a bunch of dead guys and that it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's because we're teenagers and getting stoned is a hell of a lot more thrilling than remembering something horrific or that the biggest mass murderer's birthday happens at the same time you're lighting up.

But it concerns me. It concerns me because maybe things like Columbine and the Holocaust wouldn't happen if we gave more of a crap about them. I know you can't go to pieces every time something awful happens in the world. Because if we did, we'd go crazy really fast.

But "gone" can't be synonymous with "forgotten." I guess that's what I'm trying to say here. Forgive, but don't forget. Especially the Big Things.

And also, just care. Absurdity says that human resistance to the inevitable death and our attempts to order the universe are futile. But I don't believe that. I won't believe that. It's a really pessimistic outlook on life, because apathy and hate are the two most destructive things out there. You can be super pissed off that things don't go your way. You could shut out the world and not come back. But honestly hard to stay mad or separated. It's life. Sometimes, it sucks. But it's honestly so beautiful in the grander scheme of things. Don't forget that.

These seem contradictory, and I know why. Action and reaction. That's what I learned from physics. Because every time something awful happens, every time there is so much bad in the world, good rises up in opposition. People unify and believe in hope.

The wounded oyster mends its shell with a pearl.

And that's all I have to say about that."

Thanks for reading :)

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