Monday, April 1, 2013

Blog Every Day April: Volume V

Well you have mostly gotten used to my Monday rants, and then some people were like, "Get a blog, you dirty hippie!"And then I told them to wait for April, because it's Volume Five of BLOG EVERY DAY APRIL! WOOOO!
Basically, I blog every day in April because I'm a bit of an odd bird. I've done this since my freshman year, and I decided, even amongst the insanity of college to continue the tradition. I will probably have a lot of regret with this decision, but whatever.
This year happens with a TWIST (mostly because I've had threats to block me on Facebook in the past and I don't really want to annoy you guys because I'm kind of long winded-ish and then you give up and then just yeah. Yay run-on sentences). So I actually got a legit blog! YEAH.
So I'll post a Monday Post as usual and then blog the rest as usual and NOT clog your news feeds and utility is maximized so WHAT'S UP, INTERNET. The address is because those were the two longest and most fascinating words I know :)
April is usually the time that my life starts to go a bit down the rabbit hole, and it's full of crazy shenanigans and then I end up pulling all nighters and having existential crises and rolling down hills and being a drug mule and then actually almost getting it kind of together.
So here we go, Monday rant as usual:
1. I woke up this morning and realized I didn't have ANY FREAKING ROCKSTAR. So that was Pretty Bad, but THEN I walked out of my door and into a strip of duct tape and got tangled up. Driver of the Struggle Bus reporting for duty.
2. This spring break, I skied twice, hiked once IN THE SNOW, grabbed dinner with Hope, caught up on a season of Dallas and Psych and Tosh.0, and slept more than I think I ever have. College Spring Break Reality, everyone. Also, there was IMAGINE FREAKING DRAGONS, which is the most profound thing of my life. But that's about it.
3. I am profoundly not ready to get back into the arena of schoolwork. WHY AM I A STUPID PROCRASTINATING HONORS STUDENT?! *dies in avalanche of chemistry, ethics, politics, and physics*
4. My best friend in the entire world and I have the most random-ass Target purchases. Today, I wanted to buy a piƱata, but she wouldn't let me.
So we bought a cape instead.
5. As I've said, this is the time of year when my life gets batsh*t insane with the end of the year frenzy which invariably hits like a hurricane and it's a bunch of fun. But you know? I'm so excited. I don't know why, but it's really refreshing to be excited to take on the day. Modern life gives us so few opportunities to be excited about life in general and to live boldly. These moments of joy are what carry us through and make us human and make this whole living thing bearable. And I'm so happy to share this life with so many genuinely awesome people and in such interesting times. So thanks for reading and thanks for being awesome. :)
Carpe freaking diem (and noctem because sleep is for the weak), sleep deprivation is LOTS of fun, Thomas Jefferson is a BAMF, follow the madness on my blog, and, as always, stay excellent :)
Thanks for reading. Cheers.

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