Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm Queen of the Lab and Margaret Thatcher Is My Hero.

Monday 8 April

Well today was equal parts happy and sad and it's basically how my life is turning out to be, you know?

I woke up SUPER early today because I GOT TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES TODAY! YEAH! So I registered for Organic Chemistry, O-Chem Lab, Physics 2, Experimental Physics, Experimental Physics Lab, Constitutional Law, and Art and Architecture of the Ancient Near East! SO STOKED FOR THE SEMESTER FROM HELL (weirdly enough...)!

Yeah. So then I did Smartphysics and then biked to physics lecture (which I didn't pay attention to because I had a lab to finish), then I went to Western Political Thought and actually paid attention to the rant Mewes had, then I printed out my goddamn paper and sprinted to Ekeley for chemistry, where it was MORE KINETICS. YAY.

After that, I turned my paper into my TA after getting slightly lost in Ketchum (I'm like a pigeon, though, and I'll find my way home eventually haha). And I just remember feeling kind of lost and disoriented and stressed and angry and full of what Piper likes to call "existential angst," which I guess makes sense considering what else happened today. Feeling wonky was the best possible warning sign.

But anyway I found my way to Farrand and grabbed another perfect pizza (after waiting a fair amount of time for it—why do all the meat-eaters like CHEESE PIZZA? Save it for the vegetarians!), finished my lab as I ate with Sam and Steph as we recounted the adventures we had this weekend, which were pretty entertaining, and then Steph and I marched across campus (again) for our lab.

During recitation, I had resolved beforehand not to pay attention, because crystal field theory may or may not be very well explained on Wikipedia. So I responded to a text my dad sent me at 7:09 AM that read "Have a good day, sorry about MT" and I responded "What about MT?" (because I thought MT could mean any range of things, such as Mason's Truck, Mountain Trip, Malevolent Tapirs, you know. That sort of thing.). AND THEN he responded, "Thatcher died."

I, quite naturally, FREAKED THE HELL OUT, responding, and I quote, "WHAT F*CK NO I AM DISTRAUGHT" and then I had Crissie confirm it for me and IT WAS THE TRUTH AND I AM DISTRAUGHT.

I tried to explain my obvious distress to my lab group, who were all staring at me like, "Are you on drugs, Maggie?" and "Why don't you know more about crystal field theory?" AND THEN NO ONE IN MY ENTIRE LAB GROUP KNEW WHO MARGARET THATCHER WAS AND I WALLOWED IN DESPAIR THROUGHOUT RECITATION. I wanted to cry. I almost did at one point.

Quite frankly, she's my hero. I don't agree with many of her policies, but she was a badass and I really looked up to her. Honestly.  She was the first prime minister of England or ANY Western democracy and served three terms as the PM of Great Britain and completely usurped decades of precedent with the sheer force of her will. She revolutionized the way women are seen in politics, and she refused to back down even when opposition was insanely high and she pursued her dreams. And, for a double major in chemistry and politics, which is what she did, that's something to aspire to.

She also goes along on the "powerful women" theme my Norlin class has been touching on for the last couple of weeks. Honestly, people are scared of a strong woman. And I don't know why. I was texting my brother about it and he said (mild misogynist as he is), "I'm sorry Maggie. She would have been awesome if she was a man," and I replied, "If she was a man, she would have been just another politician. But she's MARGARET MOTHERF*CKING THATCHER." Which I suppose is a little true. People try to pass her off as a bitch and all accounts say she was harsh, uncaring, and even hostile in her approach to politics. But I honestly think she was just doing what needed to be done in the dog-eat-dog world of politics. Maybe I'm romanticizing the whole damn thing, but still. I feel like there is something to be said in that she is a powerful woman, and we're scared of that.

Anyway. Gender rant over, still reeling, but okay. Rest in peace, Margaret Thatcher. You'll continue to inspire generations to come.

After I walked around the lab disoriented for awhile, I finally got my poop in a group and ended up having a totally correct separation scheme for my set of cations and TOTALLY GOT MY CATIONS SEPARATED ON THE FIRST TRY. I rescinded my title of Queen of the Lab last week when I failed miserably, but this week I AM BACK ON TOP. "All I do is win win win no matter what what what," was playing as I strutted out today.

Then I rode my bike to Hallett and took Grumpy Crissie to Target haha. That seemed to cheer her up a bit (even though it was pretty unsettling when the bus didn't show up haha, and I'm sorry for that), and today we tried on swimsuits, frolicked in the dollar section, and wandered in the food aisles moaning about our hunger. Today I walked out of there with 2 t-shirts, half-socks, a bag of cookies n' cream M&M's that the universe granted me in consolation, Wheat Thins, cheese, Pop-Tarts, gum, Kleenex, and seven dollars of crap from the dollar section, including no less than four pairs of Avengers socks, Avengers tattoos, a pouch for going out that holds my phone, dinero, and some chapstick, and an Avengers coloring book I left at Crissie's to color when I get bored haha :) The more random the Target trips the better. I would know because I once bought a hula hoop and it was the greatest day of my life.

After that we went to dinner and joined half of the Brackett clan for dinner, and that was grand and full of perplexing and amusing moments alike haha. Then I went back to Hallett and halfheartedly did physics homework with Binder, where we mostly looked at planes and German shepherds and cheated off Simple CAPA. After we gave up on that and I talked with Crissie, Morgan, and Poppy for awhile, I came back to Smith, read 100 pages of Fun Home for Norlin, and wrote this. I'm about to pass out after this long-ass helluva ride of a day.

So, um, yeah. I'm going to bed because I'm perpetually exhausted and I'd like to be a sensible human being and catch up on all the sleep I missed out on during high school and certainly will for the rest of my adult life.

Thanks for reading :)

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