Friday, April 19, 2013

Physics Galore and Wiki Binges

Thursday 18 April

God I am so exhausted. Someday I am going to stop being so very tired all the time. That will be extremely nice.

Anyway. Today was mostly physics galore, which is fitting because it happens to be Albert Einstein's death day. So that's sad but a little ironic. Yeah team.

Paul Revere also made his iconic ride 238 years ago today. I can't say I made an iconic ride tonight—the most I did was to sing "One Day More" from Les Miserables and get some weird looks from stoners. Like I do.

Today began dragging myself out of bed for my physics recitation, which really didn't help much for the test. Whatever. Then I went to my Norlin class, where we discussed our final projects and also sluts, because that is the range of discussion we have in that class. I just love it. After that I sprinted across campus (14 minutes—I'm slacking here) to ethics, where I heard presentation about Eric Clapton (informative—I never really knew much about the guy whose "Sunshine of Your Love" rhythm I can play on every instrument), Bill Clinton (I liked the rationalization of his behavior), and Richard Feynman (a BAMF physicist whose autobiography I am totally going to read this summer because everyone loves it). YEAH!

I grabbed lunch at this point and manifested the confused and wonky mood I've found myself in a lot to Flock, Kevin, and Graham, and I'm sorry because I am super lost anymore.

Then I wasted some time on College Humor and then went to Hallett to go to the library with Crissie, where I pounded out two practice tests and watched a couple Smartphysics videos I'd neglected. So then we walked back and I made a notes sheet, and then Binder and I complained about physics, and then I complained to Dan about exams, and then Mora showed up so she and Crissie went to deaf night at Old Chicago and I went to take my physics exam.

And I guess that went okay—better than I anticipated*.

Then I went to the library AGAIN, read Aristotelian politics, and did my Western Political Thought response, which is bullshit but what's new?

I rode home and emulated Paul Revere and then I ended up back in Smith going on a Wikipedia binge. Which is a thing I do sometimes when I'm bored when I click on random links on Wikipedia and read the articles. It's fascinating sometimes, because I got from Irene of Athens, a Byzantine empress, to Ezra Pound in like five clicks. Which is interesting. I guess it does just show the interconnectivity of life and of everything we know. Nole once got from Tiger Woods to underwater basket weaving in like 17 clicks. It's awesome and you should try it sometime.

Yeah. I watched the trailer for The Great Gatsby like 10 times today, and I'm pretty stoked.

But after reading Hemingway and Fitzgerald and everyone, I'm starting to think that maybe we're a lost generation too. Sometimes I feel like we're just as morally bankrupt as they are, clinging to ideals of a society no one really believes in anymore, disillusioned with the American dream hoping more than anything that there is still a shred of good left in this world.

I'll probably return to this idea once I flesh it out a bit. Because I think it's important.

But for now, I go to physics.

Thanks for reading :)

*AKA, I probably failed

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