Thursday, April 4, 2013

Due Tomorrow, DO Tomorrow. I'm Sleeping Tonight.

Thursday 4 April

Currently, I'm running on two hours of sleep, four Rockstars, and some kind of profound inner drive that actually, literally might kill me because my brain is so broken. As I'm typing this, my eyes are closing and I want nothing more than to sleep. I think I might pass out instead of finishing my third paper in less than 24 hours.

I have no idea why on earth Sleeping Beauty would have wanted to be woken up by Prince Charming. 100 years of sleep and solitude sounds BEYOND GLORIOUS right now.

Also, I swear to God, the next person who asks me if I've started anything not due in the next 24 hours is going to get a resounding punch to the face. Really. I might kill you with the full force of my fury.

Screw partying this weekend, I'll be sleeping. What's up. #collegelife

This guy is my hero as well:

Las night, I finished my Norlin paper in Hallett and walked back to Smith. I then stared at a wall for an hour because I was so intensely exhausted. I tried to get my motivation up to tackle the essay on Rock and Roses I was going to write for ethics. I ended up typing my final paragraph at 4:37 AM. LIKE A BOSS.

Then I did some final edits on my Norlin paper, finished my physics homework, printed everything out, and finally crawled into bed at 5 AM amongst Locke's treatises, essays on the LGBTQIA culture, and Reese's wrappers.

I started the day with an 8 AM physics recitation, which blows. I hate physics sometimes, honestly. It's so hard and the exceptions (unlike in chemistry) don't make it more interesting; it makes it harder. Hate physics.

Then I went to my Norlin class and it was great. We talked about gender stereotypes and how our vocabulary is increasingly deficient to describe gender, which is honestly fascinating. Instead of modernity make our lives simpler, it becomes more and more multifaceted. It's strange.

Then I sprinted BACK across campus for my Ethics class, where I heard peer presentations about Charles Davenport (a man who proposed social eugenics), Charles Darwin (if you don't know him I will straight up punch you in the face), and Erezebet Balthory (the most prolific woman serial killer who purportedly bathed in the blood of her victims to perpetuate her youth). They were really interesting and raised really excellent questions about how their ethics connect to us.

I grabbed some lunch at Farrand and stared at a wall for thirty minutes, calling that a "nap." Davis told me I sound like I'm perpetually high. I'm not, but it should feel about the same. I'm too exhausted to even sleep. What the f*ck.

Anyway then I went to the library and kind of worked on my paper and then got distracted and gave up. Then Crissie and I got Farrand for dinner and ate on the quad while the Brackett clan checked out this girl in shorts and a sports bra, which I found amusing. They're completely ridiculous, but they're them, and I love them. That's all I can say.

Then we all hung out in Hallett and I put off my paper and we watched Lonely Island videos for DAYS and then we ended up just talking, as we usually do.

And here I am, back in Kitt, going to bed soon and writing all of tomorrow. My body craves sleep right now and by George, that's what it's going to get.

I deplore paper-writing. It's what I hate about academia (especially since you're cooped up on nice days like this and BOO). There's this Calvin and Hobbes comic that I'll leave you with now, which is basically how I feel. And that's sad. Because I love my major and learning new things, but I hate papers and I hate work. And maybe I'm just horrifically lazy, but that's how I feel anymore. And I'm sorry. But that's the truth.

So yeah. I'm going to bed.

Thanks for reading :)

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