Monday, April 28, 2014

We Choose To Go To The Moon

Sunday 27 April


Yesterday morning started off a great deal calmer, with a solid five and a half hours of sleep at 7:24 AM when I woke up, put on my hiking pants and shirt, and headed out the door because I promised my mum I'd hike with her since we've both had rough weeks and that's how we fix our problems.

So my mom and I headed up the TWO AND A HALF MILES OF STRAIGHT UPHILL TRAIL that was Mount Morrison. We talked about life, my future, my mom's future, the terrible luck of the Roses (literally, we're like the Starks, but with less dead people—it's one bad thing after another), and what the hell we're going to do. My mom is the best.

Towards the top of the hike, it was basically a boulder scramble, and we both thought about not doing it, but I always like a good scramble, so I went ahead and told my mom to wait because she's like Lucille Austero with her vertigo. It's bad. And I thought about climbing back down and just heading down with her, but on the way up, I just kind of frowned casually at the sky and was like, "Why the fuck did you come here if you weren't going to go all the way?" and climbed up the east face of Mt. Morrison like a freaking spider.

Up at the top, I was alone for about two minutes or so and it was glorious—that's the quietest I've had my world be in the last few months or so. There aren't enough quiet places in the world anymore. This nature is shrinking. There aren't enough spaces where you can sit beneath an open sky and be alone completely, where the only sound is the wind in the trees and your own labored breathing. And I think that's tragic—this is why I really identify with the Children of the Forest. My mom actually managed to make it up to the top as well, and so we decided to explore the old railway carts that were rusting up there and I got the shot:
I Always Get the Shot
So maybe if I'm broke I'll be a photographer or something of the juxtapositions modernity presents to us. Yay alternate options.

But I'm glad we went all the way up. What's the point otherwise? I've never been the person to go halfway (my choice in majors should be proof enough for that). And why shouldn't we do everything that's possible for us to do? Why the hell shouldn't we live big? Why shouldn't we do the things that scare us, that exhaust us, that challenge us? JFK in one of my favorite speeches said, "We choose to go to the moon, and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win." Because we do deserve to do these things. We deserve to go and kick ass and take everything we can from this life. Don't settle for anything less than the best. Because the view from the top is worth it.

Anyway. The walk down was a bitch, though. My patellas had knives under them the whole time, and there they remain. Fucking hell this old ballet injury keeps acting up.

After that I hung out with the fam, taught my mom how to use Excel, and found this golden picture of Mason that I'm totally going to plaster his room with:

Then I came home, wrote a blog, and then had an emotionally fraught chat with Crissie that was well needed and aired our dirty laundry and that was fantastic and cleared up a lot of things and that was ideal, since it's been a bit Rough this year and we needed to do it. But then that ended because Connor and Graham knocked on the door and she had to put on pants.

Then it was TIME FOR THRONES. Get ready for "Oathkeeper:"
Well, Dany's kicking ass. I don't like the imperialism, but this is going to be SO FUN to see how this one develops because shit is going down. We got a lot of Jaime this episode, which was interesting because that's a helluva complicated subject for me at the moment, because this really, really brought out the Season 3 development that they shat on most unceremoniously last week, and they didn't really deal with that other than my queen Cersei drinking heavily even for my queen Cersei. What (that's my OTP, ps, Cersei X Wine by the way). Also in KL, I love Bronn, thank you for making the hand a running gag you're my fav. Oleanna is the realest bitch in these Seven Kingdoms and a personal hero and I really admire that, plus Purple Wedding shenanigans are falling into place really quickly, which is YAAY. Baelish is living up to his "Cheep Cheep, Motherfuckers" House Words and being a super fucking creeper with Sansa and ugh I hate him but LOVE HIM ugh. Additionally, BRYAN COGMAN STOP IT WITH THE JAIME/BRIENNE SHIT OH MY GODS STOP STOP STOP BRIENNE IS BREAKING MY HEART I CAN REALLY RELATE TO HER. Also, Tommen's "oh-this-is-what-Grandpa-Tywin-meant-by-that-talk-he-gave-me" face was amazing.

Also, I want Ser Pounce on the Iron Throne. He could run a kingdom better than half of these idiots, defending the innocent and whatnot. ALSO, MEERA REED HAS THE APPROPRIATE REACTION TO RAPE THANK YOU MEERA LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS.

This whole plot in the North Never Happened In the Books and I'm LOST and CONFUSED and WHAT WHY. Locke (I thought he was still called Vargo Hoat and was dead at this point but apparently he works for Roose? WTF?) in the North, Jon Snow's Nordic Warrior Mission at Craster's Keep is plugging full steam ahead (???), and Bran and Company in Craster's and potentially running into Jon (?????????) and the VOLTURI OF OTHERS WHAT? (?????????????????????????) I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Anyway. Thrones life is rough life.

I then tried to brief a case, but I fell asleep. Woot woot.

Anyway, I'm off to do ALL THE HOMEWORK.

Thanks for reading :)

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