Sunday, April 6, 2014

In Which I Put the "Pro" in "Procrastination"

Saturday 5 April

It was two in the morning when I wrote this up last night, and instead of actually doing homework or sleeping or whatever, I've been laughing my ass off at this beautiful Red Wedding tumblr and looking at my life choices and tranzizzling pieces of my narrative because like I even care #yolo

I woke up hella confused yesterday morning on my couch. Because I clearly remember going to my bed, so I must have sleep-walked out there. Shit gets weird on our hella rad nights.

Anyway. I rubbed the sand out of my eyes, took a nice shower, made myself pizza rolls, lamented life choices with Crissie for awhile, and then wrote the blog from yesterday. I halfheartedly stared at some chemistry notes and then read a bit of background research for my paper I'm writing for Revolutions (which is going to be titled REVOLUCIÓN! and no one's going to stop me). Then I gave up on that one and read some Dance With Dragons and I stayed awake woohoo!

This killed literally eight hours. As I've said, I am the queen of great choices, as all of my friends will tell you.

After this shitshow of a day, Dani and I joined Davis and Evan and Bongi upstairs to watch our final episode in the rewatch of Season Three: "The Rains of Castamere" and "Mhysa," or as I like to refer to them, "Another Reason I Have Trust Issues" and "Jar-Jar-Binks's Revenge." It was great. I'm still so upset about Catelyn Stark. I cry every time. It's a disaster. I'm going to miss the hair of Robb Yolo Stark. Also just all the Starks in general, because I was rooting for them until they made more terrible decisions than me during an average Finals Week, and that's not okay.

I also got to make the "dick in a box" reference, which just wins every fucking time because "Yara" and Balon's faces I just can't:
You Had ONE JOB, Theon
Such Win, Much Hilarity, Very Sleep Deprived. Wow.

Game of Fucking Thrones. Game of Fucking Thrones, man.

And now I'm hanging out thinking of my additional life skills for my resume and I've got:
  • balancing spoons on my nose
  • eating pizza
  • making Arrested Development jokes
  • being zen as fuck
  • finding foreign bands on YouTube and loving them
  • not stabbing misogynists in the thigh with a butter knife every time they open their mouths
  • procrastinating
  • getting too excited about politics
  • ironically loving Cersei Lannister and Roose Bolton
  • unironically loving Yulia Tymoshenko and Benedict Cumberbatch
  • ditching my shoes everywhere
  • tripping over things
So yeah I'm DEFINITELY getting this internship this summer.

I don't really have anything else to add. It's hard to write sometimes when you're a happy cynic, as opposed to a disillusioned cynic. Everything seems a bit too cliche at this point to fully explain it. I now understand why when I asked Linda Greenlaw if she had any advice for me as an aspiring writer, she said, "Know grammar. Go out and do shit. Experience the world. And get your heart broken." I frowned at her and the look in her eyes just said, "Oh, you sweet summer child." Ten years later, I understand why.

So yeah. To quote the Vaccines, "I don't wanna wake up in the morning, but I've got to face the day." Let's do shit.

Thanks for reading :)

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