Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Rad Arvad, Or, Nothing Happens

Saturday 19 April

First of all, Happy Belated Bicycle Day, or the Day LSD Was First Synthesized And Ingested. Don't eat your lab experiments, kids. That's all I have to say about that.

Anyway. Yesterday was a fairly useless day, as I woke up, did laundry, wrote a blog, researched a bit on the English Civil War for the paper that's due Thursday, opened my O-Chem textbook, cleaned the kitchen, and found an acceptable site for converting YouTube to MP3 files, which is nice because guess who listens to a lot of foreign music? Yeah, it's this kid.

Anyway. I ended up driving back to the Rad Arvad last night to have dinner with the fam damily and then stay the night because of skiing reasons (not religious, because I'm me). We went to Rib City, I had a delightful time consuming shrimp, and my sister and brother managed to embarrass everyone because they're them. It was great.

I watched Dance Moms with my parents and sister (because Mason was lame and didn't want to hang out with me, I mean Jesus) and had competition flashbacks and that was Rough. I also decided I could be a dance competition judge, only I'd mostly just scream into the microphone "OH MY FREAKING GOD POINT YOUR TOES YOUR FOOT LOOKS LIKE EDMURE TULLY! OH SORRY YOU DON'T GET THAT REFERENCE? PICK UP A DAMN BOOK AND STOP BEING SUCH A FLOPPY FISH." So yeah.

I also had a really nice talk about my frankly craptastic life with my parents, and that was really, really nice. I have a really open and honest relationship with the rents, and it's hella nice to not have to lie about what I really feel, and I'm glad that I have that. They, weirdly enough, believe in me and think it's not perfectly okay for me to fuck up, but it's not a terrible thing for me to be a disaster sometimes. They push me, but they know that I know my own limits. And that's nice. We also had a good conversation about relationships in general and we laughed about their lack of romance and I praised their honesty and the fact that they made it work no matter what (which was really good for my mental health if nothing else).

Anyway. The fam damily. I love them to death, and maybe sometimes they're a bit high-energy and completely mad, but it's really, really nice to have that slightly unstable safety net to fall back into. Thanks, nerds.

I dunno. Then I made playlists to update my software on my iPod and just yay. Passed out on the couch and I haven't been more rested in a long while.

Since yesterday was a failure of a blog post, please enjoy this picture of Mrs. Hudson preparing for 4/20:
Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson Probably Light Up All the Time Yo

Thanks for reading :)

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