Monday, April 14, 2014

Merry Happy

Sunday 13 April

Just came off an ochem binge so if this seems like it was written by a monkey on amphetamines then that's probably why...

Woke up this morning and was a bit confused as to why my floor was wet and my room was drafty, and then realized it was because I left my window open last night in a futile attempt to get some damn air circulation in this fukkin apartment. Really it's either Niflheim or Múspellheim in that room, and there's no Midgard to be seen (yeah, I went Norse Mythology for that one, covering my bases here).

I also just want to mention that now is the time to be alive if you're a nerd. I heard a conversation on the Buff Bus the other day where one kid said, (referring to this kid in a fedora with long hair) "Hey it looks like Gambit is waiting for this bus too" and I cackled audibly but pretended it was something on my phone. They also went on to say, "If I'd said Falcon was cool a couple of years ago I probably would have gotten a weird look or beaten up. Now people agree with me because it's cool." It's always a weird thing for actual nerds to deal with, because we've spent so much time being inherently uncool for liking the things we do. That's why admitting being a nerd is so liberating—there's no pressure to look cool and like the things you do. It's hella rad that sometimes we accidentally fall into the "cool" category. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!

Anyway. I woke up, called my mum, and headed down to Arvada to hike in this polar windstorm, after eating real breakfast food for the first time since we all stopped going to Denny's (and that need to happen pronto, because I have a Craving and the last time we went was That Time Our Apartment Looked Like a Literal Crack Den As Opposed to a Metaphorical Crack Den Like Always). We hiked the North Table Mountain loop, and while it was absolutely freezing, it was pretty much freaking awesome too:
I Look Graceful But I'm Thinking "Don't Fall On Your Ass Into the Mud"
I love winter hiking, mostly because everyone gets scared off the trails and my mom and I have nice talks and when we run out of things to say, we can just stop talking and walk, lost in our own thoughts, until I make a Thrones joke or she makes a Miami Vice joke and we laugh at each other.  Mostly, though, it's quiet, and I love the sound of silence above anything else. It's nice in this cacophonous world to find a place where the world is quiet. I love that.

Anyway. Then I watched the Master's tournament with my dad, because I'm pretty sure deep down some part of me is a grumpy old man thinking "I don't care what happens for the rest of the day all I wanna do is fall asleep watching golf." Yeah. I'm really cool.

After driving back through the land of the ice and snow, I ended up procrastinating/studying for ochem, and then writing the blog for yesterday. It was great.

Then we all went upstairs and found everyone else to watch this week's episode of Game of Thrones, "The Lion and the Rose," which Tumblr user drunkstarkalypse summed up quite well in this photo:
We got some nice Bolton action from my second favorite sociopath Roose "On the Loose" Bolton and his crazy bastard son Ramsay (and oh hey Reek you're hanging in there!), a Bran scene with some quality warging, a pretty deep quote from Melisandre which was even better in context ("There is only one hell, child, the one we live in now"), Florents in flames and Stannis the silver fox being hella stoic, HEART-WRENCHING TYRION/SHAE SCENES (*angry, frustrated stamping*), A++++ Bronn quotes ("Just go drink until you think it was a good idea"), Olenna throwing SERIOUS SHADE, Jaime Lannister hand ineptitudes (IF HIS GOLDEN HAND DOESN'T BECOME A RUNNING GAG THIS SEASON I AM GOING TO BE SO ANGRY), huge wins for JaimeXBrienne shippers (looking at you Bryan Cogman), LORAS TYRELL/OBERYN MARTELL I CACKLED and a WEDDING.

No one throws a Wedding like the Westerosi, ESPECIALLY when Lannisters are involved in the planning of the after party. Shit got real, I tried to win some support for my girl Cersei (and failed—someday I'm going to write a rant about why I am the only person that likes her), and we all pulled a total 180 after being really happy to being really sad.

Oh Thrones. You continue to surprise me.

Anyway, we had a chat about it (and by "chat" I mean "we talked for an hour and ranted about the lack of Greyjoys and took theories about Purple Wedding and show vs book differences and I told them puns from Tumblr and winter and I had shade thrown upon me for liking Cersei" man really WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE) and then I came downstairs and got through an entire chapter of O-chem. Passed out writing this. Woot.

So yeah. Hiking and Thrones. If politics and pizza were in there, it would have been a perfect day.

What a time to be alive, kids. What a time to be alive.

Thanks for reading :)

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