Thursday, April 3, 2014


Thursday 3 April

This morning, my mother texted me at 7:12 AM saying, "Do you wanna build a snowman?" and I had to resist the urge to say, "GODDAMN IT ANNA JUST BECAUSE THE SKY IS AWAKE DOESN'T MEAN YOU NEED TO BE TOO" and instead sent her an enthusiastic "Second winter!!!"

So I woke up, put on real shoes (ugh), and headed off to chem lab, where I did an extraction, a distillation, prepped for my second distillation, and found out that I had to do an oil bath at 230 Celsius. I asked my TA and she was like, "That's an oil FIRE," and I just noped on that one, because I'm the kind of person that would light the lab on fire during an undergraduate lab. Hell, I can't even handle kind of diluted sodium hydroxide (because yeah, I gave myself a burn and didn't neutralize it with vinegar. Looking at my life, looking at my choices).

After I noped, I came home, ate lunch, and napped hard before reading Hunger (Still, "I don't know what I expected" man fuck this book).

During said lunch break, I happened to check my email and SEVEN BLOODY HELLS I GOT THE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND YOU'RE READING THE WORDS OF THE NEWEST DATA SLAVE/THESIS ELF hell yeah! Which is exciting because I literally have no idea how to write or research a thesis paper and this will hopefully help me get my life together (I jumped up and down multiple times in excitement because goddamn I love this bloody major. I'm not even coherent in my love for it).

Then I went to my revolutions class and learned about the actual revolution part of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, and then we talked about the Iran Contra Scandal (side note: REAGAN STOP THIS SNEAKY CRAP YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO NIXON AND YOU'RE REMINDING ME OF PETYR BAELISH—I'd be a damn good advisor). It's the best class.

Afterwards, I rolled my eyes at Knut Hamsun (because he writes utterly detestable protagonists with the honor of Ned Stark and the sense of Moon Boy). I also am sorely tempted to write one or all of my research papers on A Song of Ice and Fire characters, though I'm sure my teachers would despise me. Whatever.

I walked home in the violet hour and arrived to see a giant penis erected outside in the snow. Damn I love Boulder.

We decided we needed to go to Target (correction: I needed caffeine so we went to Target) and that was a trip of ridiculousness as always. I found a candle holder and was tempted to buy it and lead our way to the bars next year saying "The night is dark and full of terrors" because I'm a nerd and I know it, and everyone else needs to as well. We're good at that. I resisted the urge to buy all the v-necks in the clothing section, and then we sniffed candles and named nail polishes for awhile. You know. The usual.

We arrived home, I started the blog, and then was interrupted (happily) to watch Game of Thrones. We've watched the series before, and now it's a rewatch, which is infinitely more fascinating when you've read the books, and also infinitely more infuriating (Robb Yolo Stark, my girl Catelyn's writing, the sexist treatment of most females (especially the whores), the lack of Daario Noharis's blue hair, the lack of the Kettleblacks, and the barrage of ill-deserved hatred of Sansa Stark, amirite? OH YEAH AND NOT TO MENTION THAT MY GUT TWISTS WHEN SHAE IS ONSCREEN OR YGRITTE AND JON HAVE THEIR SHIT OR WHEN BASICALLY ANYONE IS HAPPY BECAUSE HELL NO we can never have nice things. Drat).

So yeah. I'm waiting for Paige to finish her finance homework so we can get the love of my life (pizza).  Today wasn't bad, honestly. I've found myself in a bizarre state of mind lately, where I'm royally fucked in some areas (ochem, I'm looking at you), but I literally couldn't care less. I mean, I care, but I'm so happy, so bizarrely at peace with both the universe and the person I'm turning out to be, that it doesn't matter. Maybe this is dangerous, to abandon ship on the bad things. But it's healthier than staying around a sinking ship that's doomed to fail. Days like today, I'm glad we have the lifeboats.

Because as Voltaire says, "Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." And you're goddamn right I'm going to sing.

Happy almost Friday, go build a snow penis, and, as always, thanks for reading :)

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