Sunday, April 5, 2015

Trained Schizophrenia

Friday 3 April

Have you ever had one of those days where you're just profoundly worried about the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and you feel pretty worthless because everything you do should lend itself to fixing this really dire problem but then you just end up pretending that everything's okay through some college-type debauchery? Because that was Friday tbh.

Woke up on time for once and read a little about alkalinity before I walked over to quantum mechanics, in which I almost totally comprehended the material on Morse potentials (woo!). So that was really nice, although most of the equations we learned would have been really helpful on like Tuesday when Randall and I were slaving over our lab calculations for seven hours. Whatever.

I then had a quiz in water and soil chemistry, and basically I forgot how to math, so that will probably be a disastrous result but I get to drop one so it's kind of okay. We then learned about metal oxides and hydroxide solubility and combustion, which is where I got really worried about CO2 production. Because of the increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, less calcium carbonate forms because more carbonic acid does, and it's pretty worrying because that causes the acidification of the ocean and the pH goes down and then the phytoplankton and zooplankton can't form their shells and the whole balance is offset. It's worrying. I am more stressed about the fates of microscopic organisms than I am about the fact that I've got a 30 pager due in ten days. That's where my life is at.

Anyway. After that class I had a break, so I bought some Chex Mix (and my friend wasn't working at the UMC so that was pretty sad) and then hid in the stacks reading about regionalism (THE PAPER IS AMAZING I JUST CAN'T). That's how I calm myself down, by reading about normalizing institutions. I need help.

Then I went to Europe in the International System, which had us discussing the paper and I got too worked up about ASEAN so I couldn't talk. It's a weird life. I also got my paper grade back, which was substantially better than I thought it would be, which was totally okay with me. Maybe I won't fail that class after all.

After that, I met with Kim Lee to talk about my paper and he told me to get my shit together and refine my theory, so that's Sunday's plan. Fuck church, I write about trade for Easter. Hooray. I also had a meeting for the research conference, which basically left me in a state of:
My Life
so that was fun. I'm stressed, but everything is going to be fine, right? *sweats nervously*

Anyway, then the brother and sister came up and we chatted for a minute or two before they left again, and then I heated up some pizza because I'm responsible and totally have more than just crackers to eat *eats box crackers came in* and watched 30 Rock instead of being productive.

Then I went over to UV to hang out with the Boy, which was fun. We talked about school and work and how completely stressed we are for the future, which is fine because at least someone else gets it. It's honestly a little weird, having plans for every Friday and having somewhere you know that you can go to and someone that you can always count on. That's weird for me, who's always been that girl who lived her life in a chaotic whirl, spinning from one thing to the next and never stopping for long. Then again, I'm really into it. It's nice to have somewhere to rest for once.

Then we went to an ABC Party, which stands for "Anything But Cups" (not clothes, which could have been p. awkward but I'm a smart cookie and checked beforehand). It was honestly pretty fun drinking out of the Oscar statue without a shirt that my roommates got me for my 21st. Then there was Jungle Juice, which, note to self, Future Maggie, you've got your life together so stick with craft beers for god's sake because you don't need Everclear in your life. Actually, that's a good lesson for everyone: you don't need Everclear in your life. No exceptions.

I'm getting too old to party, honestly.

Anyway. Made it back home and got some well-deserved rest for once. 

There's a term we use in Norlin called "trained schizophrenia," which is the concept that even though most high achievers know that the world is falling to shit and the terrible economic conditions we live in and the fact that being alive is a dangerous thing, those same high achievers are convinced that everything is going to be totally fine. I'm a victim. And I honestly thought it was a bad thing. But honestly, you've got to believe that things might work out kind of okay, otherwise I don't see how you can go on knowing that your future lies in hanging out under a bridge muttering about the Swedish economy. You have to believe in something, honestly. And maybe once in awhile you'll have Everclear or hang out with a boy you like instead of worrying too much about CO2 emissions, but the fact is that you still care deeply about those CO2 emissions, and I think that's the point. You take a quick break. But you always come back.

Anyway. Saturday blog coming up soon!

Thanks for reading :)

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