Sunday, April 5, 2015

Laziness? Sports? Talking? Who's Even Writing This Blog?

Saturday 4 April

There comes a day in April when all you want to do is hang out and sleep for three hours, and for me, that day was yesterday.

Woke up at UV, which was at first disconcerting but then the night hit me like a train. Was coerced out of bed because I was not a big fan of mornings yesterday. Oriented myself, drove home, and watched 30 Rock until I fell asleep. Score one for Mags.

After about a three hour nap, I woke up basically like this:
Everything Is Too Real
and then took a shower, feeling substantially more ready to take on the day. I ended up blogging, downloading the entire soundtrack to Her (jfc it's amazing thank you Arcade Fire for that beautiful work of art) and then Paige and I watched Thrones again (this time "The Lion and the Rose" and I had some very intense Cersei feelings (damn the Lannisters) despite the events of the Purple Wedding. I have to get it together). I managed to do a little bit of rewriting for my theory section until I decided to put on a semblance of pants (really, it was a dress but who actually cares) and headed back to Evan's to watch March Madness.

Now, I'm not in any way a sports fan. I know the difference between a basket and a goal, but that's because I'm fucking literate, not because I actually care about said points. Football is usually the only thing I come close to caring about, mostly because I was raised on patriotism and football Sundays and habits die hard with me.

This year, however, I was asked to join a March Madness pool, and I have watched a total of sixteen whole games of basketball. I chose Wisconsin to win the whole tournament, and I was a nervous wreck when they were playing Kentucky yesterday. When $10 is on the line to win or lose, it becomes a matter of life and death to me ($10 buys a lot of pizza, okay. I have priorities. Maybe not good ones, but they exist). Wisconsin won, though, so it's pretty great and I'm currently sitting in fifth place; suck it sports people. Go Badgers!

Anyway. Then I watched part of the Av's game, which was infuriating because hockey is a frustrating sport for me to watch (then again, the fact that they don't have a stoppage of play every ten seconds is refreshing). Then Bongi and his friend Ali went to a party and we stayed in to watch House of Cards, and I have a lot of feelings about Season 3. I have a soft spot for power-hungry and corrupted individuals (Cersei Lannister, Frank Underwood, Richard III) which probably stems from the fact that I read The Prince when I was like fourteen and didn't understand the far-reaching implications of Machiavellian politics. I was a precocious nerd that read too many books I didn't understand back in the day. It's exhausting.

Anyway. I then got to hang out and have a long talk about life with my boyfriend, and that was really freaking nice. I've always thoroughly enjoyed having talks with that kid, and it's fucking great to bounce the ideas that I have off someone else that inherently understands the way that I think. So yeah. I like those little talks. A lot.

Anyway. So that was Saturday: super unproductive, but sometimes that doesn't matter. It's weird for a problematic high-achiever to have a day that's really unproductive and not busy and not have it suck. Lately, that's been the case for a lot of things—I don't mind not doing things once in awhile. It's a lot like the whirling from one thing to the next—it's lovely for a hopeless wanderer to get to rest for awhile. It's really, really nice. Maybe it's not the miracle of human achievement, but it's nice. And I'll take that for now.

Thanks for reading :)

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