Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog Every Day April: Volume VII

Wednesday 1 April

"April is upon us, pitiless and young and harsh." (Edna St. Vincent Millay)

Welcome to Blog Every Day April: Volume VII! As the name suggests, I blog every day in April because I am, above all, a creature of habit and this outdated digital platform helps me from wanting to throw myself off the bridge that makes a leminscate over Varsity Lake on my way home from class. Also, it lets my mom know that I'm still doing kind of ok even though I never respond to her text messages (sorry, Mom). Call your moms, kids!

To the new readers, welcome! To the old ones, sorry! Thanks for coming back!

Basically, a lot of stuff happens in April. Mostly, it's the time of year when all my backlogged work starts to catch up to me. It's a month of transition, between winter and summer, the beginning of the end of the semester, the thrill of deadline work done well and panic over not doing something before said deadline. It's a juxtaposition in terms, and it's my favorite time of year. I try and usually fail to be a real person.

I've also noticed that I've been writing very poorly lately (case in point: the lab I handed in today was titled "I'm Tired, Something to Do With Carbon Monoxide") and that cannot happen because writing is number three on the list of things I truly excel at, behind consuming pizza and making mixtapes. This blog usually whips me into shape for the last push of the semester. Also, I've got a huge paper that will decide my future due in 14 days, so hooray for productive procrastination!

This year, you'll hear a lot about my love for quantum mechanics even though I don't understand it, water and soil chemistry (meh), Europe in the international system (now in the regionalism section hell yeah!), Middle Eastern politics (I promise not too many rants), and the fuckery in my Norlin class (haven't had that existential crisis yet, uh-oh). You'll also get a lot about trade. I love trade. I love it so much that I'm writing 30 pages on it. Yay.

I adore the Lannisters. Get over it. I drink far too much caffeine, which is a problem. I love dogs and occasionally get too excited and fall over when I see one. Sometimes I hike and/or ski, but mostly I sit in bed without pants on and watch 30 Rock. America is my ultimate problematic fave. Once, I bought a vegetable, and then I cooked the vegetable and ate it. Also, today I got locked out of my apartment and talked to a cat for ten minutes, so that's the mental place I'm in.

Blogs on Thursday will be late because that is Marg Night (where you get to hang out with a Marg (that's me, btw) and also drink $4 margs at the Rio—I am an adult and can do that) and Marg Night is Sacred. Also probably Fridays and Saturdays because I have what has been referred to as a "social life," even though it's mostly us sitting around drinking craft beers and talking about films. Whatever. I'll take it.

That's it. That's the blog.

I am the ultimate cynic, honestly. I've seen too much reality to believe that something good can actually, truly work in this world. My fields remind me of the fact that things consistently fall apart and someone has to lose, and there is nothing you can do to stop the inevitable progression toward decay and heartbreak. I do not believe in happy endings.

However, I've reached a point in my life where I care a lot about happy nows. That's what April is—a collection of happy nows that I want to remember. Maybe it's a phrase, maybe it's the way that the light filters through the trees, maybe it's the fact that Nigeria's elections just happened, or maybe it's just the way that I feel right now. It truly is a marvelous time to be alive, and I want to remember that. That's what April is for me. And I hope you'll come on the ride too.

Thanks for reading, and cheers to April :)

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