Saturday, April 4, 2015

Late Awakenings

Thursday 2 April

So I'm falling behind like a lot, and it's Day Two. It's been that kind of week.

I woke up on Thursday and immediately thought that the light in my room was a little bit off. I checked my phone to find that it was 9:17 AM and class was starting in thirteen minutes. Wandered around my room like a whirling dervish and ended up making it to class at 9:34 AM. I don't have anything better to do with my life than go to Middle East Politics, sue me.

We talked about the Jasmine Revolution (which is one of the only revolutions that gives me some kind of hope for the future because it is hard to be optimistic about these things) in Tunisia back in 2010-11. It's fun—they overthrew a super corrupt regime in 28 days and only 300 people died which is pretty remarkable. I love it. We also watched part of The Square, which is like the greatest documentary ever about the Egyptian portion of the Arab Spring, 10/10 always recommend.

I then spent my break doing some readings about for-profit health insurance and Oregon's Death With Dignity Act for our ethics presentations in my Norlin class, and then I went to said class to talk about those topics. It was a super uplifting class, to say the least. I had a minor existential crisis on my walk home about my impending mortality, and that was a little bit of a wakeup call because I don't have those often enough anymore.

Anyway. Chatted with Paige, nerded out because GRRM published a new Alayne chapter of The Winds of Winter (I am so excITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA), and ate some macaroni and cheese. We also decided to watch an episode of season 4 of Thrones (S4E1 "Two Swords") and I discovered that I have a lot of feelings about Tywin Lannister because I'm really good at investing my feelings into fictional characters (and really, S4 Tywin is the best Tywin—it's so hard for him to actually relinquish control and all of his children are finally rebelling and everything is slipping away from his iron grasp and it's amazing and it's just the best family dynamic; I'm not sorry that I really like those problematic blonde assholes). Anyway.

We also tried to get people to go out with us for Marg Night, but that didn't happen because all of our drinking buddies were actually doing things—so then Paige and I watched Girls and I wrote up case studies on ASEAN and Mercosur (don't even talk to me about ASEAN; it's the most inefficient set of institutions but the best example of decoupling in the international realm), then I read a little bit about regionalism (it was a really, really good paper), ordered and ate a pizza, and retired.

So yeah. That was Thursday. Not very exciting, nor was it very productive, and it just kinda felt off the whole day due to the late awakening. Whatever. Welcome to the blog.

Friday blog should be more interesting, coming soon! Thanks for reading :)

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