Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sometimes I Know Exactly What I'm Doing

Friday 17 April

Surprisingly enough, Friday morning had me waking up without an alarm very early. I even got to watch an episode of 30 Rock before class. What a day.

Started off the day with some more about thermally populated states in Quantum, and then we moved on to something about partition functions, which merges quantum mechanics with thermodynamics so yaay synergy (is that how you use that word? whatever). It's interesting, albeit super confusing, but I'll take it. Water and soil chemistry had us talking some more about coordination complexes, which was a little dry but it's infinitely better than carbonate systems so I'm okay with that. After that, I hung out in the library and read about Mercosur, and the paper mentioned DSMs so I was stoked.

I need to get a life.

Anyway, Europe in the International System was grand because we were talking about Mercosur and also how European influence happens across regions. I totally nailed the quiz because I've got this regionalism shit on lockdown. Sometimes I know exactly what I'm doing.

I also woke up to a text on Friday morning that said, "pay christ 4 marg," which translated from drunk-me means, "Pay Crissie back for the margarita she bought you." So I went over to Norlin and had a lovely chat with my best friend, where we looked at shoes and cats and talked about boyfriends and life and the fact that she's graduating and how I can't fucking handle that, because even after all the crap we've put each other through, I still need her a lot. She's one of my favorite people to talk to even after eight (almost nine, holy shit) years of endless conversations and even though we're as different as the sun and moon when it comes to our constitutions, but I love that about us. She's always the Clark to my Lewis, and even though the Sacagaweas change through the years, we're still us, and we'll still have too many adventures that don't make any sense and we'll be there for each other when things are good and bad and downright ugly. I love that girl, suffice it to say.

Then I went home, ate the rest of my damn queso, and took a brief nap. Then, Evan asked me if I wanted to grab dinner with his mom and I said yes (?) (like honestly I've never really made it this far in a real relationship this was a big deal and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't panicking). I took a ridiculously fast shower, and then ended up getting ready in ten minutes. I looked like a real person and everything. Weird. That never happens, tbh.

We then had dinner with the lovely Nan Eller, whom I met in the capacity of being "Evan's girlfriend" and not "that slightly unbalanced looking girl that rambled about quantum mechanics at graduation," and that was a really good time. I was once described as "charming," and so I tried not to be awkward, which was easier than usual. Those two made it easy, for which I am eternally grateful.

I got my life sort of together, and then drove back over to UV, where we watched hockey (I think I'm kind of starting to enjoy it, which is troubling to say the least) and drank a beer. We then went to the store and bought soda because I am incapable of taking shots at all (getting too old for this shit tbh), and then I made a big girl drink (I'm kidding it was definitely a Red Bull Vodka), and then put on my Swedish clothes and headed out with the squad to Brett's Swedish Themed Party. Ja!
An Overstatement of my Mindset
Anyway. Somehow I ended up holding three beers at once and subsequently drinking said beers, which is where my life is apparently headed. College, kids. One second you're having an informed discussion about the Republican candidates for President, the next you're drinking three PBRs at once. Life gets weird, tbh. You still get that wondrous duality, though. Sometimes it gets old, but sometimes it's not awful.

Socializing. Ja!

We then caught an Uber home, which was pretty great even though we definitely had more people than was allowed. Don't drive or bike drunk, kids! Take an Uber! And do it late at night, the fares decrease exponentially! Stay hydrated! Make good choices! (says the living train wreck)

So yeah, that's all I have for April. I'll follow up soon, sorry, things got insane and I slacked off and watched too much 30 Rock and slept too much and socialized with too many people.

Having a life? Me? What?

Thanks for reading :)

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